Why darkfighter?

All the IP cameras we provide have IR (Infra-Red) capabilities to provide black and white images in low light conditions, but Darkfighter technology from Hikvision allows better quality colour images to be produced in low light conditions.

Hikvision also uses the Darkfighter technology within their lower price cameras and these are described as powered by Darkfighter.

The optimum resolution is 2MP as cameras with greater quality (such as 8MP 4K) there is less light available to maintain image quality.

Low light recording

Recording with normal cameras in low light conditions frequently produces a monotone image with less detail and sometimes important features are lost because of the IR source.

An option is to have an additional light source linked to the camera, but this increases costs and still results in a black/white image if IR illumination is used.

Darkfighter technology is normally the best option as this has a colour image in lower light conditions and these cameras are available at very competitive rates.

Top Tip: We will help you select the best option

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