Easy management

In addition to the flexibility of our systems, they are also easy to manage with options for the viewing of the recordings.

Secure = authorised users

We setup the surveillance systems so that they are secure, with access only available for authorised users.

During the implementation and training we will set up the accounts with associated security.

You determine what access is available for your users, such as your catering manager may be given access to only canteen cameras, for managing queue lengths or identifying theft.


Rather than simply accessing the views on a desktop computer, there are tools available to allow tablets and/or smart phones to be used.

Upgrade to enhanced management?

There are some software tools available without charge, although some clients prefer enhanced tools and options will be provided.

We have demo systems available with cameras to allow the free tools to be assess what is available.

Top Tip: There is a 30 day free trial if you are considering the enhanced option

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