inVentry warranty

inVentry warranties are the most comprehensive in the industry and are not matched or exceeded by any other sign-in system software supplier.

Warranties cover all the associated hardware and software and are backed by an impressive warranty Support Level Agreement (SLA).

For the main inVentry screen, including fixings, you receive on-site warranty repairs and replacements.

For everything else, including scanners and printers, they are returned to inVentry, for free of charge for fixing/replacement.

24 Hour Support

As part of your maintenance agreement with inVentry, you receive unlimited telephone support, unlimited remote support and 24 hour access to our support portal.

Remote access control is performed by trained support personnel, with changes to settings or software upgrades to make sure if you do experience a problem, inVentry will get you sorted as soon as possible.

Warranty cover

The following standard warranties apply for new solutions and upgrades

3 year = main touchscreen computer system & printer

1 year = Quickscan (internal and outdoor versions)

Warranty upgrade

When purchasing your Quickscan unit(s) you can opt to purchase a 3 year warranty upgrade, ask us for more details.

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