inVentry V4 information

inVentry Version 4 is the biggest update to inVentry, including a new look with more control and additional functionality included as standard.

V4 software is fitted as standard for all new systems and you may be eligible for a free upgrade, although this is dependent on the age/specification of your current hardware.

We are happy to help, just get in touch and we will check your options, which includes training for these new features.

Here are the top 10 new features available in Version 4

Custom design = select your preferred branding, colours, logos and elements throughout the software

Event management = events automatically appear on the front screen 30 minutes prior to starting and can be configured to turn on and off at a specific day and time

Multi Academy Trust = MAT functionality that allows users to sign in across multiple locations

Customisable widgets = change the front screen e.g. Contractor, Supply Teacher, Parent

More MIS integrations = new options such as ScholarPack and Pupil Asset are now available

SIMS dinner money = new SIMS dinner money integration for later pupils

Badge printing = now you can opt to use any badge printer, including colour and re-writeable cards

Languages = automatic translation at the press of a button to any language

Report = advanced report builder allows users to create personalised reports and turn them into dashboard shortcuts

Facial Recognition = for previous visitors (for up to 60 days)

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